Home » Faculty of Business and Management Sciences
The Faculty of Business and Management Sciences(FBMS) formally Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) was established in March 2013. FBMS mandate is to serve as a centre of excellence in business management and professional development in Uganda and the region. Some of our students come from neighboring countries of Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya and South Sudan.
FBMS seeks to meet Uganda’s needs, as a gateway institution both within the East African region and globally. It will serve as a hub for local and global talent, business research, business-university partnerships, global leadership, local entrepreneurship and innovation.
The distinctiveness of FBMS is its focus on meeting the management needs of local and public and private organizations within the dynamic global economy. Building on MUST’s core commitment to training, research and outreach programs, the Faculty of Business & Management Sciences at MUST is and strives to be a complete global management hub, educating the world as well as innovating for the world through training and research.
The FBMS’s core themes center on interdisciplinary clusters in management, globalization, innovation, agribusiness, food security and entrepreneurship,... Show more
The Faculty of Business and Management Sciences(FBMS) formally Institute of Management Sciences (IMS) was established in March 2013. FBMS mandate is to serve as a centre of excellence in business management and professional development in Uganda and the region. Some of our students come from neighboring countries of Rwanda, Tanzania, Burundi, Kenya and South Sudan.
FBMS seeks to meet Uganda’s needs, as a gateway institution both within the East African region and globally. It will serve as a hub for local and global talent, business research, business-university partnerships, global leadership, local entrepreneurship and innovation.
The distinctiveness of FBMS is its focus on meeting the management needs of local and public and private organizations within the dynamic global economy. Building on MUST’s core commitment to training, research and outreach programs, the Faculty of Business & Management Sciences at MUST is and strives to be a complete global management hub, educating the world as well as innovating for the world through training and research.
The FBMS’s core themes center on interdisciplinary clusters in management, globalization, innovation, agribusiness, food security and entrepreneurship, with focus on specific sectors and issues salient for Africa in particular. The focus of the institute aligns with emerging trends, MUST interests and priorities for growth.
To provide quality and relevant management science education at National and International level and its applicability to Sustainable Community Development.
FoBMS Research Thematic Areas
 Core Research Activities
The core curricular areas of the Faculty of Business and Management Science include Accounting & Finance, Marketing, Economics, Procurement, and Management Accounting and Organizational behavior.
Globalization — Specific areas of current and future research include: global financial flows and markets; globally networked firms; global and regional production networks; global climate change, global social and environmental movements; regional development; government regulation and policy; global non-governmental organizations; cross cultural interactions and transformations.
Community Engagement
 To enable its students transform theories and concepts learnt in class into practice, Faculty of Business and Management Sciences has Internship and Community Outreaches embedded in their curriculums. The Faculty arranges offsite trainings to students of third year. Also, the Faculty organizes workshops for both its staff and students as a strategy to strengthen their abilities in research.
Resources Available
The Faculty has the following resources to ease learning and Teaching Environment:
Quality Assurance Mechanisms
 The Faculty has the following Quality assurance Mechanisms to assess the Quality of programmes and courses, Quality of academic staff, Quality of teaching and learning experience, Quality in student assessment, Internal moderation, Quality in support services, Quality of resources and facilities, Quality of research and Quality program review process. These include;
 Growth and Development of the Faculty
Collaborating/ Partnership
The Faculty has been able to collaborate with individuals and organizations in research related to Business and outside Business field. To solve current global challenges, interdisciplinary research approach becomes crucial. Currently, the Faculty has the following collaborations as it is illustrated in the table below:
Partner | Year established | Area of collaboration | Outcome |
Mainz University of Germany | 2019 | Student/Staff exchange | On going |
Uganda Technological and Management University (UTAMU), | PhD student enrollment | Graduated no of PhD Students | |
University of Virginia | |||
Darden Business School |
 Future Plans
The Faculty has the following future plans
Challenges and Mitigation Measures
Mitigation Measures
Finally, we thank MUST management and staff of FoBMS for the work well done in supporting and grooming students for the market and future.
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Telephone: +256 772965660
Email: administrator.fobms@must.ac.ug
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