World economies are experiencing rapid expansion in small, Medium and large scale investments. This calls for highly trained and disciplined professionals in area of business management to provide the necessary skills needed to give directions for this development. As world economy grows, the demand for ethical, empowered and employable accountants, financial analysts, investment advisors, marketing specialists, operation managers, Human Resource Managers among others becomes critical. Related to this, poor business administration and management remains one of the major causes of corporate collapses in East African region and indeed across the world. In addition to this, the findings from 2013 needs assessment conducted by University among selected establishment (Private and Public) in Uganda revealed that:
- There are significant business administration and management training and practice gaps among the current BBA graduates
- The current training and practice is limited in integrated knowledge and skills, making it hard to implement a holistic approach in business administration.
- It was also found that changes in the employment market, together with the process of internationalization and job mobility, require highly qualified professionals in all areas of Business Administration.
A series of detailed needs assessments were conducted in November 2013 which involved officials from the government Ministries, public and private institutions, professional institutions like CPA, ACCA, CIMA, and HRMAU, business organisations and Banking institutions. This assessment identified exiting business administration and management training and practice gaps. The most important finding was that the current training and practice is limited in integrated knowledge and skills, making it hard to implement a holistic approach in business administration.
The degree in in Business Administration is intended to prepare learners for leadership and management roles in today’s highly competitive environment who will guard against business failures and therefore, foster economic growth. The purpose of this programme is to offer arrange of modern skills intended to assist the learner to nurture the business to success. It is also particularly suited to persons who wish to train as entrepreneurs or those intending to be employed in management.
The overall aim of Bachelor of Business Administration programme is to train a critical mass of professionals with applied knowledge and skills in Business Administration and to prepare students for a career as Accountants, Finance and Banking, Human Resource Management, Procurement and Marketing specialist in the dynamic, changing realities of today’s business environment. It is designed as a specialist degree to help prepare professionals and graduates to take advantage of the expanding range of career opportunities in Business Administration.
The programme intends to:
- To equip learners with knowledge and skills in Business administration and management for organisational growth and national development
- To give students a solid foundation in the areas and issues that will prepare them for a successful business and management career.
- To empower learners with knowledge and skills to manage business activities in organizations.
- To introduce leaners to a global holistic perspective of management and business administration
- To teach learners skills in the application of business practices and addressing community challenges for sustainable development.