Mbarara University of Science & Technology

Succeed We Must

Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer

Director’s Message

Welcome to the Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer hereafter referred to as CITT- a home for Innovations, Skilling and Technology Transfer at Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST). The Centre for Innovations and Technology Transfer is the latest unit to be established at MUST.  The Centre was approved by the 68th sitting of the University Council in February 2018 and is mandated to coordinate, nurture and steer innovations capacity at MUST and beyond. The Centre brings together all Faculty-based innovation hubs, students innovation clubs and innovation projects operating at MUST. In executing its mandate by the University Council and in response to the MUST strategic plan and community needs, the Centre premises on enhancing the potentiality of University students and staff to innovate, co-create and generate commercially viable innovations that provide solutions to the challenges faced by the local, national and global communities. Furthermore, CITT is here to respond to the labour market demands, the skilling gap among the youths and the need for contextualizing new innovative and sustainable approaches to solving national, regional, and international challenges.... Show more

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