Mbarara University of Science & Technology

Succeed We Must

Faculty of Applied Sciences and Technology

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The Faculty of Applied Science and Technology Strategy (F.A.S.T) and Implementation Plan was conceived in 1998 by the Vice Chancellor Professor F.I.B Kayanja and initially documented by Mr. Stephen J Palmer a Visiting Engineer. The overall vision of the Faculty was to be a center of excellence in the provision quality training and promote research in applied and multi-disciplinary Science and Technology with a focus on community development. In line with government policy on Higher Education of science and Technology and 5 (Five) Year National Development Plan and the University Strategic Plan, the establishment of the Faculty of Applied Science and Technology has become a priority. The fields of Applied Science, Engineering and Technology are key to the attainment of the Uganda’s national goal’s of social and economic development. The Faculty of Applied Science and Technology has pioneered the relocation of the University to the Mbarara University Kihumuro Campus. Throughout history, engineers and technicians have provided the knowledge and impetus to formulate, design, construct , and maintain the public infrastructure and utility systems. These systems form the foundation of credible,... Show more


Contact Details

Faculty Administrator
Telephone: +256 772662062