University Mace and the Mace Bearer during the 30th graduation Ceremony

What is a Ceremonial Mace?

It refers to a highly ornamented staff, made out of  wood, carried before the Chancellor. It symbolizes authority and power. The mace bearer during the 30th Graduation Ceremony was Ms. Flavia Kirabo Mutesi from the Faculty of Computing and Informatics.  In Flavia’s case, being chosen as the mace bearer is a significant honor, signifying her role in representing the university’s future and legacy.

As the first-year software engineering student at Mbarara University of Science and Technology, Flavia   had the distinct honor of being chosen as the mace bearer for the university’s 30th graduation ceremony.

Who is Flavia?

Ms. Flavia Kirabo Mutesi,the mace bearer during the 30th Graduation Ceremony at MUST

Growing up, she was captivated by the stories woven by technology, the way it seamlessly integrated into everyday life, and the potential it held to solve seemingly insurmountable problems. This fascination soon blossomed into a burning passion, and she found herself drawn to the intricate world of software engineering.

MUST became her gateway to this dream. The first year had been a whirlwind of challenges and triumphs. She reveled in the endless possibilities that software engineering presented, the ability to create solutions that could touch countless lives. The thrill of untangling complex problems and the constant pursuit of new knowledge fueled her days and nights.

“With my determination and curiosity, I am constantly exploring and pushing the boundaries of what I can achieve in the field of software engineering. I am excited to embark on this journey and make a mark in the world of technology”. said Flavia

Standing tall amidst the thunderous applause of the graduates of the 2024 Cohort, Flavia wasn’t just the mace bearer; she was a symbol of the university’s future, a testament to the transformative power of education and the boundless potential of young minds. The weight of the mace wasn’t just wood in her hands; it was the weight of responsibility, a promise to use her knowledge and skills to make a positive impact on the world.