Mbarara University of Science & Technology

Succeed We Must

INTERACT-Africa Stakeholder Meeting

Aligned with its vision of being “A centre of Academic and Professional Excellence in Science and Technology” and its mission “To provide equitable quality and relevant education and Research with particular emphasis on Science and Technology and its application to community development,” Mbarara University of Science and Technology (MUST) played a leading role on Thursday, May 16th, 2024, by hosting the INTERACT-Africa Information Sharing and Stakeholder Meeting. Themed “Mobility in Innovative Green Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Bioeconomy,” the event fostered a productive exchange between researchers, policymakers, and stakeholders in the UCoBS Boardroom.

The meeting commenced with an overview of what the meeting was about. Modrated by the University Public Relations Officer, Angella Nakato Muyingo  the meeting agenda was adopted as below:

Dr. Casim Umba Tolo the team leader of the project extended a warm welcome and introductions. He expressed his delight at the event and highlighted the INTERACT-Africa project’s year-long journey. Dr. Tolo further provided a concise overview of the project’s objectives.

Professor Julius Lejju, Dean of the Faculty of Science at Mbarara University, followed with a congratulatory message to the project team. He emphasized the project’s potential to significantly contribute to environmental sustainability and a greener future. Professor Lejju underscored the importance of securing a better environmental future and stressed the university’s commitment to supporting international students.

Dr. Raphael Wangalwa the Coordinator of the project at MUST delivered a comprehensive presentation on the INTERACT-Africa project. He outlined the project’s objectives, research focus areas, management of mobility programs, and monitoring and evaluation plans. A key highlight was the project’s overarching goal of enhancing skills and qualifications across Africa. Dr. Wangalwa emphasized the project’s 48-month timeframe and its collaborative implementation by a six-university consortium, with five African and one European partner university.

Other members of the audience included: The International Relations officer Ms. Shiela Niinye Olivia, Heads of the Departments of Chemistry (Mr. Denis Byamugisha), Biology (Prof. Grace Kagoro), and Information Systems, project team members Prof. Grace Birungi, Ms. Clare E. Kemigisha, Mr. Emmannuel Aheebwe, Ms. Jovanice Mpirirwe and representation from the Faculty of Computing and Informatics. 

The presentations were followed by a lively question-and-answer session, fostering discussion and mutual learning among attendees. This interactive format ensured active participation from everyone present.

Brief about INTERACT-Africa project

“Mobility in Innovative Green Technologies for Climate Change Mitigation and Sustainable Bioeconomy” (INTERACT-Africa) is one of the 15 Intra Africa Mobility projects funded by the European Union Commission. The project will see the mobility and training of over 60 students (Ph.D. and MSc) and staff in the fields of Biology, Chemistry, and Information Technology, with emphasis on the conversion of organic waste to valuable bioproducts for transitioning into environmentally sustainable economies.

The project is being implemented by a consortium of partner universities in Africa including Mbarara University of Science and Technology (Uganda), Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), Sokoine University of Agriculture (Tanzania), Institut Facultaire Des Sciences  

Agronomiques (IFA) De Yangambi (DRC) and Moi University (Kenya) as the coordinating (Lead) University. The project funding is worth 1.8 million Euros.

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