Mbarara University of Science & Technology

Succeed We Must

Call for Micro-Research Proposal Applications 2023/2024

The MUST IUC UCoBS Sub-Project three titled “Increased access and utilization of affordable energy technologies” of Mbarara University of Science and Technology is pleased to announce a call for micro research proposals. This call is part of the MUST-IUC UCoBS Sub-project three initiative to provide seed grants to researchers to generate tangible research outputs such as high-end peer reviewed publications, conference papers and book chapters for MUST. One winning team will be awarded 6,000,000/= (Six Million Uganda shillings only) to support the research and publication processes.


MUST IUC UCoBS Project three will follow a rigorous review to identify the possible Micro Research Seed grant recipient. Winning teams will be competitively selected from all the three focus areas of sub-project three by a multi-disciplinary and independent panel of judges after a detailed proposal review and grading. Selection will be based on successful applications among the three areas. The focus areas are:

  1. The socio-economic implications of renewable enery technologies
  2. Development, utilization and promotion of solar energy and its applications, and energy saving mechanisms
  3. Development, utilization and promotion of biomas as an energy source


Eligibility Criteria and requirements

  • Applicants should be team members, scholars or from the implementing organizations/institutions of the MUST-IUC UCoBS sub-project three
  • Applicants should submit as teams not as an individual
  • Applicants should be able to publish their research results indexing Mbarara University of Science and Technology once the research project has been completed
  • Female candidates are encouraged to apply
  • Proposal concept should be a maximum of 4 pages, Times New Roman, Font 12. References are not considered as part of page limit. Applications that do not conform to this criterion will be administratively rejected.


Proposal Requirements

Proposal Body should include the following sections

  • Project title
  • Introduction and project focus
  • Problem statement
  • Proposed solution including purpose and objectives of the study
  • Justification of the study
  • Overview of the research methodology
  • Management team and partnerships
  • Workplan and budget


Evaluation Criteria:

The following criteria will be followed during evaluation:

  1. Originality and project title (2 marks)
  2. Introduction and problem statement (10 points)
    • Identifies a clear need/gap and illustrates how the research will address this need/gap
    • Demonstrates potential for widespread impact
  3. Literature and theoretical review (8 points)
  • A good engagement with current relevant literature
  • Proper citations and referencing
  1. A clear research methodology (10 points)
    • Demonstrates clear methods and materials
    • Outlines a feasible implementation plan and strategy (including workplan and budget)
    • Demonstrates a clear research dissemination plan
    • Discusses clear partnership opportunities with NGOs, governments and industry
  2. Proposed solution in line with the sub-project focus (5 points)
    • Offers rationale for a new and creative solution (‘better/faster/cheaper’)
    • Addresses significant technical issues relevant for global settings, including low-resource settings
    • Shows promise for strong research publication output and new knowledge relevance
  3. Management Team (5 points)
  • Brings relevant expertise according to the nature of the research
  • Part of the management team should be member(s) affiliated to MUST


How to Apply:

Email applications as PDF to:, copied to and For any inquiries, please reach out to Dr. Johnes Obungoloch on


Application deadline: June 14, 2024 (11:59 pm E.A.T)

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