Mbarara University of Science & Technology

Succeed We Must

Microbiology and Parasitology

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The department has had continuous increase in the understanding of the structure of pathogens and the epidemiology of the diseases they cause. Recent advances in technology have led to development of new diagnostic methods for diseases caused by previously known and emerging pathogens. Due to improved means of transport, the world has become a global village, making it easy for the transfer of diseases from one place of the globe to another. The patient: health worker ratio in developing countries is still high compared to the situation in developed countries. The situation has been exacerbated by brain drain, movement of highly trained professionals to developed economies to look for greener pastures. Higher medical institutions of learning play an important role in research and disease diagnosis. There is therefore need to continuously train highly qualified medical professionals to meet the national demand for research and disease diagnosis. Considering that these professionals should be able to work internationally, there is need to train a microbiologist that meets international standards. The Master of Medical Microbiology curriculum has been designed to meet these expectations.

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