The EU is a funding agency that supports a number of projects at MUST. Currently, the projects EU funds at MUST include Human Resources for Primary Care in Africa (HURAPRIM), Capacity building in Sustainability and Environment Management (CAPSEM), and Durable Solutions.
Human Resources for Primary Care in Africa (HURAPRIM): The HURAPRIM-project was a European Union (EU) funded project consortium that brings together three experienced and committed European partners and five African partners, representing different parts of Africa and specific situations in Human Resources in Health (HRH) and aims to develop innovative interventions and policies to address the human resources in health (HRH). The EU-MUST HURAPRIM project is titled “ Improving Human Resources for Health in Mbarara District, Uganda.” The project’s objectives include to analyze the actual situation of human resources in health in Africa, to understand the complexity of the causes for the actual shortages in primary health care, to test interventions, strategies and policies that may improve the situation and to maximize networking and synergies. The project consortium was implemented in partnership with University of Oxford, United Kingdom; Medizinische Universitaet Wien, Austria; Wits Health Consortium (Pty) Ltd, South Africa; University Of Botswana, Botswana; Ahfad University For Women, Sudan; Universite De Bamako, Mali; Aide Au Developpement De La Medecine Traditionnelle Association, Mali; And Universite Des Sciences Des Techniques Et Des Technologies De Bamako, Mali.
Capacity building in Sustainability and environment Management (CAPSEM): CapSEM was co-funded by the Erasmus+ Program of the European Union and has been conducted from October 2016 through October 2019. This is a transdisciplinary collaboration supporting the design and uptake of sustainable approaches for CapSEM partner Universities and related stakeholders both locally and regionally for improved sustainable development. Focus was mainly on cleaner production (level 1) and environmental management (level 3) of engineering, agriculture and natural resource management. This reflected the industries that currently support regional and national development needs. The Consortium partner universities in India and Nepal include Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS) and Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (IITB); Kathmandu University (KU) and Tribhuvan University (TU) respectively. The industrial linkages that were created during the project life span further strengthened our community engagement. Interactions between CapSEM partnering Universities and institutes resulted in spinoffs. MUST has further partnered with Indian Institute of Technology at Bombay to write grants.
Finding durable solutions for Old Refugee Case-loads in Nakivale Settlement- Mbarara District (Durable Solutions). Durable Solutions was co-funded by VLIR-OUS and has been conducted from June 2014 through May 2016. The project focused on Nakivale Refugee Settlement, the largest refugee settlement in Uganda and close to Mbarara. The project aimed at describing the refugees’ experiences in Uganda, their perception about the evolution of their socio-legal status, as well as an inquiry into their future aspirations and the benefits of integrating them. Durable Solutions is implemented in partnership with Universiteit Antwerpen