MUST Team Receives 1.3m Euro Bio-Medical Engineering Grant

The Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), a body of the European Commission has selected a MUST fronted Biomedical Medical Engineering project to recieve funding upto 1.386m Euros.

The project aims to address the teaching human resource challenge in Biomedical Enginerring among African Universities and the gaps in expertize at any particular institution. The program is under the name: “African Biomedical Engineering Mobility: Building needs-based healthcare technology competencies”.

The MUST project team includes Dr. Daniel Atwine (Project Coordinator), Ms. Theodora Twongyirwe (Project Consultant) and Dr. Annabella Habinka (Project Consultant).

The project shall also involve other universities that are part of the African Biomedical Consortium, The universities are;

  • University of Cape Town, South Africa
  • Kenyatta University, Kenya
  • University of Addis-Ababa, Ethiopia
  • Cairo University, Egypt
  • University of Lagos, Nigeria
  • University of PISA, Italy

Also, the Institute of Computer Science’s Master in Health Information Technology (MHIT) shall recieve students from African countries sponsored by the program.

MUST will also send students for postgraduate and graduate training in Biomedical engineering to the University of Cairo or the University of Cape Town.

It is believed that the project will enhance the university’s biomedical engineering human resource capacity to support increasing student enrollments and building of strong research and training collaborations with other African universities.